The shawl was knitted from mohair on a size 6 needle. I began this scarf near the end of June and finished it the second week of July.
At one point while I was knitting the main pattern, I had to keep saying to myself "one stitch, one stitch" to stay focused on the shawl and not other things.
The yarn is two strands -- mohair and linen. It has a wonderful loft and lightness but it is quite itchy. Not something to wear over bare shoulders.
This is also the first scarf where I have ever knitted nupps, which are a kind of Estonian bobble. A nupp is created when you knit 5 or 7 stitches into a single stitch and then on the purl row, you purl all the stitched together. A rather pretty effect. Also I learned that Estonian knitters used nupps to make their shawls heavier because they were paid by the weight of the shawl. Random factoid.